September 26 2019
Maintenant offert! Cours en ligne gratuit sur la conception et la mise en œuvre d’interventions en santé des populations
L’équipe du collectif FSPCSE est très heureuse d’annoncer que le cours adapté au rythme personnel Conception et mise en œuvre d’interventions en santé des populations est maintenant en ligne! Ce cours de trois heures donne un aperçu des aspects à prendre en considération dans la conception, la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation d’interventions en santé des populations. De plus, le cours renvoie à de nombreuses formations et ressources qui se penchent sur les sujets plus à fond.
Nous avons aligné le contenu avec les Normes de santé publique de l’Ontario (NSPO) de 2018 et ses lignes directrices et protocoles.
À la fin du cours, les participants pourront :
- Reconnaître les différents types d’interventions en santé des populations
- Reconnaître les interventions en santé des populations qui réduisent les iniquités en santé
- Utiliser un processus systématique pour planifier et concevoir des interventions en santé publique en intégrant les meilleures données probantes connues aux facteurs contextuels
- Utiliser un processus systématique pour appliquer les meilleures données probantes afin d’adapter et de mettre en œuvre des interventions qui répondent aux besoins locaux en santé
- Utiliser un processus systématique pour intégrer des considérations liées à l’équité en santé dans la conception, l’adaptation et la mise en œuvre d’interventions
Inscrivez-vous au cours dès aujourd’hui
Podcasts Coming VERY Soon!
Keep your eyes out for the launch of Tenfold, our podcast series on community engagement!
Partner Profile
Every month, we'll be highlighting one of our PHESC partners. This month, we're pleased to introduce Robyn Kalda from the University of Toronto.
Where do you live? I live in Toronto, just west of High Park, with my husband and two black cats (our daughter is off to university this month! [see photo]).

Where do you work? I’m the Program Manager for the PHESC project, based at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health – I try to keep all the moving pieces moving. Independently, I also do consulting projects on network mapping (social network analysis).
What are some current projects that you’re working on? At PHESC, I’m working on getting our last couple of epidemiology-related online courses online and pilot-tested. Since this is the second year of the PHESC grant, we have evaluation and sustainability projects ramping up as well.
What are you most excited for as a PHESC partner? I’m looking forward to diving into the PHESC project evaluation – I think all the PHESC partners have done some terrific work and it’ll be great to make those results tangible. And I’m excited about our podcast series on community engagement – even the rough recordings are fantastic, and it’s a form of continuing education people can participate in while they’re walking the dog or on their commute or whenever they like.
What long-term impact do you hope PHESC will have on the public health workforce in Ontario? I hope the equity basis we’ve used for all PHESC’s offerings will come to be seen as typical, normal, and expected. I really believe that having equity as a foundational concept could be a grounding, unifying approach for public health in Ontario, especially during the restructuring we’re now experiencing.
What is a book you recently read that you couldn’t put down? In English, Octavia E. Butler’s Xenogenesis trilogy – although I really wish it had been written a few decades later; I would have liked to see what she would have done with a more intersectional/less heterocentric approach. In French I’m making my way through 33 Jours, a very spare, elegant book by Léon Werth which describes his flight from Paris in advance of the Nazi occupation in 1940.
Webinaire - Comment et pourquoi évaluer le déploiement d'une démarche d'évaluation d'impact sur la santé (EIS)?
Jeudi 10 octobre 2019, de 14 h à 15 h HAE
Dans ce webinaire du Centre de collaboration nationale sur les politiques publiques et la santé, la professeure Françoise Jabot abordera la question de l'évaluation d'une démarche d'évaluation d'impact sur la santé (EIS), dernière étape du processus d'EIS. Sur la base d'un exemple réalisé en France, elle présentera une approche pour l'évaluation de la mise en oeuvre d'une démarche d'EIS et des enseignements qu'il est possible d'en tirer.
Pour en savoir davantage et vous inscrire, cliquez ici.
Webinar - How and Why Evaluate the Implementation of a Health Impact Assessment Process (HIA)? (Offered in French)
Thursday October 10, 2019, from 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. EDT
In this webinar offered by the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy, Professor Françoise Jabot will discuss the last step of the HIA process, evaluation. Based on an example completed in France, she will present an approach to evaluating the implementation of an HIA process and the lessons that can be drawn from it.
To learn more and to register, click here.
Workshop ($): Connecting 'Hard to Reach' Communities
October 10, Ryerson Oakham House, Tecumseh Auditorium, 63 Gould St, Toronto, ON
Tamarack is excited to present a special one-day workshop with David Hanna, a leading New Zealand Community-Led Development practitioner and National Coordinator, Inspiring Communities, along with Liz Weaver and Lisa Attygalle of the Tamarack Institute to learn core principles and innovative practices to engage hard to reach communities.
Impactful community change efforts require us to connect with all citizens. Most places have citizens who are identified as ‘harder to reach’. How do community change leaders meaningfully engage this part of our communities? David Hanna, National Coordinator, Inspiring Communities, New Zealand and Director, Wesley Community Action will share his experience working with and engaging diverse communities including gang families, individuals with the lived experience of poverty, socially isolated seniors and indigenous communities across New Zealand. In this engaging and interactive workshop, learn the principles of community-led development that are central to the Inspiring Communities approach and support engaging all members of communities.
More information and registration