November 28 2019
Now available: Recorded Reflective Webinar on an Introduction to Social Determinants of Health
This week, we're very excited to launch our recorded reflective webinar series and share Dr. Arjumand Siddiqi's introductory talk on the Social Determinants of Health! This series aims to move public health professionals toward a more reflective/reflexive practice. This offering includes questions to consider before watching the video, the 40 minute video itself, as well as questions to reflect on after viewing the content. Finally, we'll reach out in three months to see how these reflections have impacted your practice. The purpose of these exercises is to help you pause, reflect and engage with the content.
Until December 13, Dr. Siddiqi will be available online to answer your questions so we recommend signing up now to have the opportunity to engage in thoughtful discussion!
We hope that these webinars will encourage you to ask courageous questions, collaborate with others, and explore these areas in more depth.
Enroll today!
This week on Tenfold - Power and Privilege in Community Engagement
After a short break, we're thrilled to bring you another episode of our podcast, Tenfold! This week, Gillian Kranias from Health Nexus joins Andrea to explore the concepts of social power and privilege, and their role in community engagement. Andrea and Gillian provide some great resources in the episode notes that you can review to continue the conversation and learn more.
Listen to the episode on PHESC's website or download it on your preferred podcatcher!
Partner Profile
Every month, we'll be highlighting one of our PHESC partners. This month, we're pleased to introduce Obadiah George from the University of Toronto.
Where do you live? I live in the North York area in Toronto just off Yonge Street with my wife Laura, my daughter Mackenzie and son Bryce. My eldest daughter is in transition out of the house and will, once in a while, grace us with her energy! We’re always happy to have her. Mackenzie is in her final year in high school and is currently embroiled in the decisions of where to go to school next! Almost certainly, she will join my son in being away from home somewhere, leaving Laura and I to ponder where the time has gone while we continue to dust off our hobbies. We also share our home with two felines – Henry (curious-cat) and Noel (scaredy-cat). They are, as cats go, always good for some cheap entertainment!
Where do you work? I work at the PHESC Program Office at 155 College Street in Toronto. As educational technologist, I assist in creating professional learning opportunities infused with new and older technologies.
What are some current projects that you’re working on? I’m currently working with the Tenfold podcast production team as we explore how to use the podcast medium as an outlet for self-directed professional learning. We’re all learning lots about “how to” and best-practices as we tackle all aspects of production. Also, I’m involved in the creation of the Reflective Webinars (launched this week) which are produced to be on-demand. Here we're using introductory lectures on various areas of public health to inspire listeners as they journey in their careers.
What are you most excited for as a PHESC partner? Putting technology to work in aspects of education has always been an interest of mine. At the PHESC program office I have an opportunity to lend my skills and curiosity in this area for the benefit of the public health workforce.
What long-term impact do you hope PHESC will have on the public health workforce in Ontario? Under the leadership or Dr. Erica Di Ruggiero, our “small but mighty” program team have created an innovative way to deliver on going professional learning to our community both near and far! I’m excited to be part of the realization of those efforts.
What is one of your hobbies? One of the things I enjoy doing in my growing spare time (as the children become more independent) is creating music. I play a few instruments which I look forward to practising once again. I am also an amateur photographer which gets me out of the house - at least some of the time. As for non-sedentary pursuits, I enjoy cycling when the weather suits as well as walking with Laura or while listening to audio books!
Online modules: Community Based Research 101
Modules are available on topics in community-based research, focusing on the HIV/AIDS field. Topics include:
- What is community-based research?
- The merit review process
- Developing research partnerships
- Ethics reviews
- Informed consent
- Grant writing
- CBR case study
Dialogue: Let's Talk About Burnout
4 December 2019, 6:30-8:30pm
Toronto - Centre for Social Innovation Spadina, 192 Spadina Avenue Suite 216 (Climate Ventures)
During this workshop, you will:
- Learn about signs and signals of burnout.
- Connect with other changemakers who are also seeking to understand their relationships to stress, mental wellbeing*, and burnout.
- Discuss, explore, and unpack systems and sources that contribute to burnout.
- Collaborate together on strategies to manage our energy, support one another, and prevent burnout.