November 22 2018
PHESC is addressing three OPHS Foundational Standards, including Population Health Assessment.
Learning pathways for specific topics are under development. Here are selected resources and training opportunities from PHESC partners on the topic of population health assessment:
What We Know About Health Inequities in Ontario (online report, 2016)
From the Wellesley Institute, a compilation of papers published in both academic and non-academic literature on six indicators of population health and service quality: life expectancy; self-rated health; low birthweight; diabetes; length of stay in hospital; rate of potentially avoidable hospitalizations. It outlines research on eight groups that may face marginalization, including women, racialized groups, LGBTQ groups, immigrant groups, and low-income groups. -
The Wellesley Institute Library of Research on Health Inequities (online)
An online library of the existing (since 2005) peer-reviewed and grey literature on health inequities in Ontario. -
Population health status reporting: the learning together series / Rapports sur l’état de santé des populations : la série « Apprenons ensemble »
Use these resources from the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health to:
- Learn about the importance and mechanics of population health status reporting.
- Propose evidence-informed options for integrating health equity indicators into population health status reporting in your organization.
- Discover how to use the learning circle approach to share experience, use evidence, and inform new ventures.
- Servez-vous de cet outil du Centre de collaboration nationale des déterminants de la santé pour :
- Comprendre l’importance des rapports sur l’état de santé des populations et les mécanismes sous-jacents
- Proposer des options fondées sur des données probantes pour intégrer les indicateurs d’équité en santé dans le processus d’élaboration des rapports sur l’état de santé des populations dans votre organisme
- Savoir comment utiliser la démarche axée sur le cercle d’apprentissage pour échanger des expériences, utiliser les données probantes et éclairer de nouvelles avenues
Beyond PHESC: November 22nd
Population Health Assessment
- Locally Driven Collaborative Project Resources:
- Develop and Test Indicators of Ontario Local Public Health Agency Work to Address the Social Determinants of Health to Reduce Health Inequities (Report, User guide)
- PHUs and LHINs working together for population health (final report)
- Assessing child and youth surveillance gaps for Ontario public health units (summary final report)
- External Resource ($): OnCore training in Population Health Assessment and Basic Epidemiological Concepts
Effective Public Health Practice
- Seminar/Webinar - Five Good Ideas about addressing diversity in grassroots non-profit organizations | 27 November 2018 12:00 noon - 2:00 PM EST - Register here for both in-person and livestream attendance
- Auditorium, Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor St, Toronto OR participate online
- Although this session is aimed primarily at non-profits, the content may also be of interest to public health staff interested in community engagement and similar topics.
Health Equity
- Webinar - Separate Beds: A History of Indian Hospitals in Canada, 1920s - 1980s | 4 December 2018 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST - Register here
- A Public Health and Preventative Medicine (PHPM) webinar hosted by the National Collaborating Centres for Aboriginal Health and Infectious Diseases.
- Presenter: Dr. Maureen Lux, Professor and Chair of the History Program, Brock University. Dr. Lux will describe the arbitrary and contradictory policies that governed the “Indian Hospitals,” the experiences of patients and staff, and the vital grassroots activism that pressed the federal government to acknowledge its treaty obligations. Webinar participants will gain a deeper appreciation of this legacy which continues to affect attitudes and perceptions about TB today.