November 21 2019
Resources on Effective Public Health Practice
We've focused quite a bit on trainings, but the PHESC website also offers a curated selection of resources. Here are a few PHESC partner resources from the Effective Public Health Practice area:
From the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy:
- Introduction to Public Health Ethics 1: Background / Introduction à l'éthique en santé publique
- Population and Public Health Ethics: Cases from research, policy, and practice / Éthique en santé publique et des populations : Cas tirés de la recherche, des politiques et de la pratique
From the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health:
- Let's Talk - Populations and the Power of Language / Les populations et le pouvoir du langage: Parlons-en
- Public health leadership to advance health equity: A review summary / Leadership de la santé publique pour favoriser l’équité en santé : sommaire de la revue de la littérature
From Public Health Ontario:
- Focus On - Logic Model: A Planning and Evaluation Tool (PDF) / Pleins feux sur : Modèle logique – Un outil de planification et d’évaluation (PDF)
- Introductory workbook - Evaluating Health Promotion Programs(PDF) / Manuel d'introduction : Évaluation des programmes de promotion de la santé (PDF)
- Workbook - Supporting the policy-making process (PDF) / Manuel de soutien au processus d’élaboration de politiques (PDF)
From the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools:
- Evidence-Informed Decision Making assessment tool / Outil en ligne d’évaluation des compétences en matière de PDFDP
- Registry of Knowledge Translation Methods and Tools for Public Health / Méthodes et outils d’application des connaissances en santé publique
Coming Soon: Reflective Webinar Series
Here at PHESC HQ, we've been working on a series of recorded webinars that aim to move public health professionals toward a more reflective/reflexive practice. The webinars will cover a variety of public health topics, such as the social determinants of health and AI and machine learning.
We hope that these webinars will encourage you to ask courageous questions, collaborate with others, and explore these areas in more depth. Stay tuned!
NCCDH-led Discussion: How can public health shape inequitable social environments to promote positive mental health?
18-22 November 2019 (all day)
Location: Health Equity Clicks: Community Discussion Forum
It's not too late to join the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health for their online discussion this week!
Respond to these discussion questions:
- What upstream (i.e., preventive and proactive) actions can public health professionals and communities take to address the negative impact of socioeconomic inequities on mental health?
- What are some of the barriers to promoting positive mental health in communities living with inequities?
- How can public health influence social environments to promote positive mental health?
Webinar - Authentic Engagement with People of Lived and Living Experience
25 November 2019, 1:00 - 2:00pm EST
Join Tamarack Institute's Vibrant Communities on November 25th for a webinar discussing meaningful engagement with individuals and communities that is underpinned by inclusion, diversity and equity. Hear how the power of collaborative efforts can be more impactful and tackle deep rooted social issues such as racism.
Webinar - Understanding mental health and addiction system needs of Francophones in Ontario: Findings from the Ciel Eclairci report
4 December 2019, 12:00 noon EST - 12:45pm EST
A webinar from the Health Equity Impact Assessment Community of Interest.
Francophones are the largest linguistic minority in Ontario and, by provincial law, have special language rights. Yet, they experience substantial health inequities. “As many as 53% of Francophones living in Ontario report having no access, or very limited access, to mental health and addictions services in French.”
In 2016, the Ministry of Health commissioned the Provincial System Support Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health to engage stakeholders to examine the mental health and addiction needs of Francophones in Ontario. The aim was to advance the province’s mental health and addiction strategy by looking at service gaps for Francophones in Ontario and proposing recommendations for improvement. This led to the report, “Ciel Eclairci! Toward better access to French Language Mental Health and Addictions Services in Ontario.”
Please join us as we discuss the findings from Ciel Eclairci. The webinar will share:
- the context and methodology of this work
- some key facts about Ontario’s Francophone population
- the themes from the engagement sessions, including service gaps and access barriers
- recommendations to improve access to care for Francophones in the province