May 23 2019
Preview PHESC's online course list
Many PHESC partners have free online courses, and more are in development -- you can find them listed throughout the focus areas on our website: Health Equity, Effective Public Health Practice, and Population Health Assessment.
Today we're highlighting the courses specifically hosted on PHESC's website, which you can find by choosing the Training Opportunities tab on the PHESC website.
Courses live now:
- Foundations of Continuous Quality Improvement
- Indigenous Health Equity
- Public Health Governance: Leadership in an Integrated Health System (bilingual content)
Courses in development:
- Designing and Implementing Population Health Interventions (also in French)
- Implementation Research in Public Health
- Introduction to Epidemiology
- Introduction to Surveillance
- Basic Statistics for Public Health (also in French)
- Communicating Data Effectively
Registration is quick and easy. If you signed up for a PHESC online course more than about a month ago and haven't visited us since then, remember that we've switched our login system and you will need to click "Forgot your password?" and be sent a new password before the new system will recognize you.
Webinaire - Produire une note de breffage (policy brief) : pourquoi et comment?
Mercredi 12 juin 2019
14h à 15h (HAE)
Le Centre de collaboration nationale sur les politiques publiques et la santé (CCNPPS) vous invite à participer à un webinaire gratuit portant sur la note de breffage en tant qu'outil de partage de connaissances avec les décideurs
politiques : son efficacité, ses configurations possibles, et comment s'y prendre pour la produire.
Les notes de breffage (policy briefs) sont en vogue pour partager des connaissances avec les décideurs politiques. Mais que sait-on sur l'efficacité de ces documents? Quelles rubriques devraient-ils inclure? Est-il souhaitable qu'une note de breffage recommande une option politique en particulier? Quelle devrait être sa longueur?
Durant ce webinaire, nous aborderons ces questions et bien d'autres en présentant les données et les meilleures pratiques repérées au moyen d'une revue de littérature. Nous proposerons également une sélection de guides pratiques pour la production de notes de breffage, de la planification à la diffusion en passant par la rédaction.
Cliquez ici pour en apprendre davantage et pour vous inscrire.
Webinar - Producing a Policy Brief: Why and How?
2 p.m. – 3 p.m. (EDT)
Wednesday June 19, 2019
The National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) invites you to join us for a free webinar dedicated to discussing policy briefs as tools for sharing knowledge with policy makers: their effectiveness, their possible forms, and how to produce them.
Policy briefs are popular for sharing knowledge with policy makers. But what do we know about the effectiveness of these documents? What sections should they include? Should a policy brief recommend one specific policy option? How long should it be?
In this webinar, we will address these and many other questions by presenting data and best practices identified through a literature review. We will also suggest a selection of practical guides for the production of policy briefs, from planning, through writing, to dissemination.
Click here to learn more and to register.