March 28 2019
Now Available - Indigenous Health Equity webinar recordings
All four webinars have now been recorded as part of our Indigenous Health Equity stream:
- A 2 Spirited Story of Gender, Sexuality and Traditional Roles for Health Care Providers
- Seeing through Two Eyes: Indigenous and Public Health
- Being Healthy Together/Mamwi: Indigenous Engagement and Planning in Public Health
- Decolonizing Data: Principles for Public Health Research Involving Indigenous Communities
All pre-readings, webinar recordings, an online talking circle, and an extensive list of suggested resources for further exploration are now online in our Indigenous Health Equity course. By signing up for the course, you'll also receive a certificate of completion upon watching all four webinars.
You need to register to access these materials, but it's a quick and easy process (and free). If you've already registered, look for the Login link near the top-right of your screen.
Register or return to the Indigenous Health Equity course materials
Coming Soon! Online course: Health Impact Assessment Step by Step / Formation en ligne – L'EIS, étape par étape
In May, the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy will launch their new online course. The training consists of nine online modules, including: videos featuring experts from the field; different learning activities including quizzes and a case study; and various practical tools for performing HIAs.
Le CCNPPS offrira sous peu une nouvelle formation en ligne gratuite sur l'évaluation d'impact sur la santé (EIS). Ouverture en mai 2019! La formation est composée de 9 modules en ligne incluant des vidéos avec des experts, différentes activités d'apprentissage dont des quiz et une étude de cas, ainsi que différents outils pour réaliser des EIS.
Partner Profile
Every month, we will be highlighting one of our PHESC partners. This month, we are pleased to introduce Rebecca Cheff from the Wellesley Institute.
Where do you live? I grew up in Ottawa, went to school on the east coast and moved to Toronto seven years ago for my Master of Public Health. And I haven’t left!
Where do you work? I work at the Wellesley Institute. We are an independent health equity think tank. We conduct research, bring together stakeholders and develop policy options to advance health equity in the Greater Toronto Area. We focus on the social determinants of health - making sure people have the affordable housing, strong communities, and decent working conditions needed to be healthy.
What are some current projects that you’re working on? In Canada and Ontario access to health benefits are often based on your income and employment, rather than your need. We are looking at how part-time workers are less likely to have access to medication coverage and using CCHS data to demonstrate how this disproportionately impacts immigrant, racialized, and younger workers. I also co-chair the Health Network for Uninsured Client. We are a committed group of health and settlement service providers, policy specialists and researchers working to improve access to health care for people living in Toronto without OHIP.
What are you most excited for as a PHESC partner? The highlight of this work for me has been meeting public health workers who are advancing health equity across the province. There’s so much to learn from each other and build on.
What long-term impact do you hope PHESC will have on the public health workforce in Ontario? Reducing discrimination and racism and ensuring our policies and programs serve the diverse Ontario population need to be central to the work of public health. I hope PHESC participants and partners can build on the relationships and learning developed during this work to drive forward change.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Here! I’m thrilled to be working, growing and living in this vibrant, imperfect city and country.
New publications from the National Collaborating Centres
- From the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools: a publication by Scientific Director Dr. Maureen Dobbins, Impact of an organization-wide knowledge translation strategy to support evidence-informed public health decision making / Impact d’une stratégie d’application des connaissances à l’échelle de l’organisation pour appuyer la prise de décision en santé publique fondée sur des données probantes
- From the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health: a blog post, Integrating equity into employment / Tenir compte de l’équité dans le domaine de l’emploi. In this post the authors discuss the protocols and resources used to promote racial equity in their organization’s hiring processes.
- From the National Collaborating Centre Environmental Health, a blog post about their new healthy built environment online discussion forum / nouveau forum en ligne sur un environnement bâti sain.
- From the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health: a publication, At the interface: Indigenous health practitioners and evidence-based practice / À l'interface : les professionnels de la santé autochtones et la pratique factuelle
- From the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy, a recorded webinar and slide presentation: How Can We (and Why Should We) Analyze the Ethics of Paternalistic Policies in Public Health? / Comment pouvons-nous (et pourquoi devrions-nous) analyser l'éthique des politiques paternalistes en santé publique?
Event - Black Resistance in Public Health: The Time is Now
Today, 28 March 2019
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM EDT
Jackman Law Building, 78 Queen's Park, Toronto
Room P115
Hosted by the Black Public Health Students’ Collective (BPHSC), Black Resistance in Public Health will provide a contemporary reading of the political, social, and economic realities facing Black peoples in Canada.
More information and registration