March 21 2019
Webinar: Foundations of CQI - Part 2, Process Mapping
8 April 2019, 1:00pm EDT
Registration is now open for the second of two foundational webinars in continuous quality improvement (CQI).
After this session, the learner will be able to:
- dispel process improvement myths
- see how process design makes work repeatable and improve-able
- articulate attributes of a good process as well as key process concepts
- distinguish the difference between process maps (work flow diagrams), value stream maps and standards of work (work instructions)
- provide local examples to understand the state-of-the-art of process improvement practice through case study examples
- understand the current work underway to document process improvement practices in Ontario health units.
More information and registration
Recording now available: Foundations of CQI webinar - Part 1
It's not on our website yet, but newsletter subscribers get a sneak peek: here is a direct link to view the recording for the first foundational webinar in continuous quality improvement (CQI).
In this webinar, Melody Roberts and Nicole Stefanovici covered:
- quality assurance and continuous quality improvement
- process improvement and process management vs results management
- lean and six sigma as process improvement methodologies
- the PDSA or Shewhart cycle as the basis for CQI, and standards as a basis for accreditation and quality assurance.
- the context, terminology development, and current work underway through Ontario's CQI locally driven collaborative project
Webinar recordings now available: Self-Evaluation Tool for Action in Partnership / Enregistrement : Webinaire - Outil diagnostique de l’action en partenariat
NCCMT has posted the recordings of their webinars on the Self-Evaluation Tool for Action in Partnership / Outil diagnostique de l’action en partenariat.
View the English webinar recording | Download the English tool
Voir l'enregistrement en français | Télécharger l'outil en français
New Fact Sheets Show Growing Racial Disparities in Canada
Colour of Poverty – Colour of Change (COP-COC) has released a new set of fact sheets showing racial disparities in Education & Learning, Employment, Food & Water Insecurity, Health & Child Welfare, Housing & Homelessness, Income & Social Assistance, Immigration & Newcomer Settlement, Justice & Policing, and poverty, to mark March 21 – the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The set of ten fact sheets are based on the 2016 Census of Canada and other recent studies. The fact sheets can be downloaded from the COP-COC website: