March 14 2019
Public Health Ethics Workshops for Two of Ontario's Public Health Units
On March 21st and 25th, the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy will lead half-day workshops at Leeds-Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit(Brockville, Ontario) and at Huron County Health Unit (Clinton, Ontario).
(Note: Huron County's neighbours from Perth District Health Unit are also invited to join them on March 25th. Please send note for details and contact information:
The principal goal of the workshop is to help make ethical thinking part of everyday practice, whether in program development, decision making or engaging with the public.
By participating in these workshops, participants will be able to:
- Describe different ways of looking at the field of public health ethics and relate these to the aims, practices and policies of public health.
- Apply ethical concepts, frameworks, values and principles, in order to identify ethical issues that arise in case studies, policies, programs, or professional practice.
- Deliberate to bring ethical values into play to inform decisions about a policy, program or course of action.
Ateliers sur l'éthique en santé publique avec deux bureaux de santé publique de l'Ontario
Le Centre de collaboration nationale sur les politiques publiques et la santé animera deux ateliers d'une demi-journée les 21 et 25 mars prochains, l'un au bureau de santé de Leeds-Grenvile et Lanark (Brockville, Ontario), l'autre au bureau de santé du comté de Huron (Clinton, Ontario).
(Note : Avis aux voisins du comté de Huron, les collèges du bureau de santé du district de Perth sont également invités à nous joindre le 25 mars. Merci de nous contacter pour plus de détails :
Notre objectif principal est d'aider à intégrer la réflexion éthique au sein de la pratique professionnelle quotidienne, tant au niveau de l'élaboration de programmes, de la prise de décision ou de l'interaction avec le public.
Les ateliers visent à renforcer la capacité des participants à :
- Décrire différents aspects du champ de l'éthique en santé publique et les mettre en relation avec les finalités, les pratiques professionnelles et les politiques de santé publique.
- S'approprier des concepts, des cadres de référence, des valeurs et des principes éthiques afin d'identifier les enjeux éthiques qui peuvent surgir lors d'analyses de cas, dans les politiques, dans les programmes ou au sein de la pratique professionnelle.
- Délibérer en mobilisant différentes valeurs éthiques pour orienter la prise de décision sur les politiques, les programmes ou les moyens d'intervention.
PHESC's Population Health Assessment Offerings
A fuller depiction is now available on our website of recommended PHESC introductory materials, trainings, readings, and tools for each priority that emerged from PHESC's consultation with Ontario Public Health Units in this Foundational Standard:
- Introduction to population health assessment
- Epidemiological analysis
- How to develop, adapt, and use health equity indicators
- How to effectively communicate data and knowledge exchange products with communities and partners.
The introductory materials provide a grounding for the other three topic areas. We suggest working through them in the order listed, but your needs may vary.
Visit PHESC's Population Health Assessment page
CDP-EvaLL TOPHC-Adjacent Information and Consultation Session
You do not need to be registered for TOPHC to attend this event. All are welcome!
The Learning Laboratory for Chronic Disease Prevention Evaluation is holding a session in room 206D at the Beanfield Centre on Wednesday March 27, 5-6pm,
Why should I attend?
- Learn about an innovative assessment of needs that defined the focus of four learning labs for building evaluation capacity for local chronic disease prevention programming in Ontario
- Hear who’s involved & what’s happening in each of the labs
- Provide input on lab directions and consider how you might get involved or stay informed about developments with the labs
- Learn about existing & upcoming supports for implementing the new Ontario Public Health Standards in evaluation & CDP
- Enjoy a pre-dinner snack!
You do not need to be an evaluator or currently involved in any of the learning labs to attend this special event. Please RSVP to Andrea LaMarre at; please let us know your role and what you hope to get out of the session.
Volunteers Needed: NCCMT Registry of Methods and Tools feedback
The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools is currently recruiting volunteers to help improve the Registry of Methods and Tools. Here's their message:
I am a second year MPH Health Promotion student at DLSPH completing my practicum at the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools (NCCMT). We are currently recruiting volunteers to help us improve the Registry of Methods and Tools, one of our most popular resources.
I would like to invite you to participate in this process by participating in a 30-minute virtual session. In this individual user session, you will explore the Registry, following some prompts we provide, and answer questions about your experience. This session will be provided through WebEx and will be recorded. Results will be collated across all participants and you will not be identified.
We are reaching out to public health professionals and students in order to hear your feedback. You do not need to be familiar with the Registry in order to participate.
As you may know, the Registry is a searchable, online collection of evidence-informed methods and tools for knowledge translation in public health. The goal of the Registry is to provide public health practitioners with access to knowledge translation methods and tools that they can use in their day-to-day practice of evidence-informed public health.
We are scheduling these sessions between Monday March 11th and Friday March 22nd. If you are interested and available for a 30 minute session, please email and we will find a time that is convenient for you.
I hope you will be able to assist NCCMT by providing this feedback. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Bandna Dhaliwal