March 12 2020
Take Advantage of PHESC's Online Courses and Resources
With many conferences and workshops cancelled, the ongoing availability of online courses and resources will be key for professional development over the next while. As always, you can find PHESC's offerings online in all three of our focus areas:
If you're looking specifically for online courses, see our full course catalogue. Highlights:
- Introduction to Epidemiology
- Designing and Implementing Population Health Interventions | Conception et mise en œuvre d’interventions en santé des populations
- Communicating Data Effectively
Coming Next Week
Next week we'll have two new releases for you:
- A new reflective webinar: Dr. Natasha Crowcroft of the Centre for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases talks about and gives the rationale for the current immunization program schedule. This will be very useful background for talking about current (and possible future) vaccines.
- Also apropos of current news, we'll be opening enrollment for our online course Introduction to Public Health Surveillance.
Both will be in our Course Catalogue as soon as they're available.
Beyond PHESC: Other Resources and Professional Development Opportunities
Webinaire : Comment collaborer avec les municipalités? / Collaborating with municipalities: A practical point of view
Ce webinaire est organisé par le Centre de collaboration nationale sur les politiques publiques et la santé.
Les municipalités sont des alliées naturelles des acteurs de la santé publique qui cherchent à améliorer la qualité des milieux de vie pour promouvoir la santé. Mais comment concrétiser ces alliances? Ce webinaire se penchera sur les aspects concrets à considérer pour établir des collaborations entre acteurs de la santé publique et municipalités.
Mardi 24 mars 2020, de 14h à 15h HAE
Collaborating with municipalities: A practical point of view
Presented by the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy
This webinar will also be offered in English, with a different guest presenter, on March 31,2020, from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. (EDT).
Webinar: Applying a health equity lens to program planning
18 March 2020, 1:30–2:30 p.m. EDT
Co-hosted by the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH) and the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools (NCCMT).
This webinar (in English) will explore the Community planning tool: Applying a health equity lens to program planning resource available from Fraser Health Authority in British Columbia. The resource will serve as an example of how to apply a health equity lens to complement current program planning practices.
More information and registration