April 18 2019
Photo: Feeding squirrels in High Park, 1916: Library and Archives Canada
Design, implementation and evaluation of interventions: Policy
PHESC has extensive offerings in the Effective Public Health Practice Foundational Standard. Most of them are now listed on our website and we should finish getting them online this week. Here are the listings in the Policy area under the Design, implementation and evaluation of interventions (programs and policies) and related research theme.
First Steps
- Public Health Ontario: Workbook - Supporting the policy-making process (PDF) / Manuel de soutien au processus d’élaboration de politiques (PDF)
Training Opportunities
- National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy: Online course - A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies / Formation en ligne : Un cadre d'analyse de politique publique
- National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health: Recorded webinar - Policy development and advocacy to improve health equity
- Wellesley Institute: Recorded webinar - Using HEIA in policy making and policy analysis
Further Reading
- National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy:Analyzing public health policy: A framework and practical guide(PDF) / Analyser les politiques de santé publique : cadre et guide pratique (PDF)
- Public Health Ontario: Workbook - Municipal bylaw development and public health - a primer (PDF) / Guide d’introduction sur l’élaboration de règlements municipaux relatifs à la santé publique (PDF)
- External resource - Ontario Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance: Toolkit to Healthier Communities – Influencing Healthy Public Policies (PDF) / Trousse pour des communautés en meilleure santé : Influencer les politiques publiques favorisant la santé (PDF)
More online courses on the way!
We've been working hard on two online courses: Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Population Health Interventions andImplementation Research in Public Health. Our team had a great time in Sudbury this past week collaborating with staff at Public Health Sudbury & Districts to develop and adapt content. These courses will offer an overview of what to consider when designing, implementing and evaluating population health interventions. They'll link to the many existing trainings and resources available that delve into topics in more detail. They're also aligned with the 2018 Ontario Public Health Standards (OPHS) and accompanying Guidance Documents and Protocols.
These courses will be launched this summer 2019. A French translation is also planned. Stay tuned!
Global Health Promotion Journal - Current Issue
The current supplement to the journal Global Health Promotion,Whenua Ora: Healthy Lands, Healthy Peoples, has a long list of articles and commentaries connecting health promotion and the land from Indigenous perspectives from several parts of the world.
The editorial and abstracts are also available in French (may require login).